
Group: DynoMotion Message: 15201 From: geast1967 Date: 12/5/2017
Subject: MPG with DROs
Hello everybody.
I was wondering how can i implement an MGP pendand with an display showing the position of six axis.
I know that the various mpg pendands, available for Mach3 are not supported, but is there a way to build one.
The problem is how to i send the axis positions to a display, propably by the use of an arduino, via rs232?
Any one has done it already? Any suggestions welcome. Thank you in advance.

Group: DynoMotion Message: 15202 From: janbbeck Date: 12/6/2017
Subject: Re: MPG with DROs
There is certainly a way to build one, or modify an existing one. Have you seen this:?


Group: DynoMotion Message: 15205 From: geast1967 Date: 12/6/2017
Subject: Re: MPG with DROs
Thanks alot for the info. I will check this.